Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring

Integrating Vibration and Wear Debris Analysis for Machine Condition Monitoring

Vibration and wear debris analyses are two key components of any successful condition-monitoring program and can be used as both predictive and proactive tools to identify active machine wear and diagnose faults occurring inside machinery. Integrating these two techniques in a machine condition-monitoring program provides greater and more reliable information, bringing significant cost benefits to industry.

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Condition Monitoring

Management Aspects on Condition Based Maintenance: The New Opportunity for Maritime Industry

The maritime industry is in many aspects using maintenance strategies from the past. Land based industry used to take influence from shipping to organise the maintenance in the 70:ties. Now industry is perusing new strategies that give better reliability and are more profitable. By focusing on reliability the indirect effects from doing the wrong maintenance can be reduced considerably. Shipping industry has from a maintenance aspect been doing the wrong things correct for many years. The opportunity is now to do the right thing correct instead.

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Condition Monitoring

New Generation IR Cameras

The demand for this equipment will undoubtedly continue, but many users – particularly plant engineers and the increasing number of new energy surveyors – have been calling for affordable and user-friendly cameras which previously had only been available to specialist thermoraphers due to cost and complexity of use. This market-led demand has resulted in a new generation of cameras that combine thermal imagery with digital photography.

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Condition Monitoring

Online Condition Monitoring Reaps Benefits for Borealis

An important component of Borealis’ strategy is that rather than using separate condition monitoring software for their online systems, they transmit the condition data from these systems to their DCS, allowing operators to see both asset condition information and process information within a single HMI (Human Machine Interface) environment. This eliminates the need for operators to learn an entirely different system and ensures that condition data and process data are available simultaneously on the process control system. This, in turn, helps ensure that asset condition receives as much attention as process condition.

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Condition Monitoring

Outsourced Condition Monitoring Services

As part of a larger maintenance strategy, outsourcing the diagnostics and monitoring of critical machinery can be an effective tool in the battle to maximize asset availability and plant efficiency. In situations in which machine performance is critical but in-house analysis is not practical because of limited resources, outsourcing offers a cost-effective solution.

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Condition Monitoring

Practical Condition Monitoring for Preventive Maintenance

Condition monitoring (CM) is not a life-extending activity. Life-extending activities are things such as lubrication, alignment, balancing and operating procedures. It’s very important to keep this very basic fact clear in all communications within your plant; otherwise, too little importance may be placed on the planning and scheduling of corrective work orders originated in CM.

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Condition Monitoring

Shock Pulse Goes Spectrum

SPM Instrument AB, Sweden, launches a brand new diagnostic method in connection with Leonovaâ„¢, a hand-held machine condition analyzer. Called the SPM Spectrumâ„¢, it is the result of an FFT on the time signal recorded with an SPM shock pulse transducer from a rolling element bearing. The individual bearing frequencies (BPI, BPO, 2*B2 and FT) and their harmonics are highlighted in the spectrum. This is displayed together with the measured shock value and a light signal, green, yellow or red that shows the result of bearing condition evaluation.

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Condition Monitoring

Solving Electrical Problems with Thermal Imaging

Although thermal imagers may be simple to operate, they are most effective in the hands of a qualified technician who understands electrical measurement and the equipment to be inspected. For anyone using this type of imager, the following three points are especially important.

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