Maintenance Management

Maintenance Management

The True Value of Reliability: A Look at the DuPont Bradley Curve

Decades of experience in manufacturing indicates that the reduction of operational risk and value generation is closely related through the culture on the work floor. Companies that succeed in creating a proactive risk culture can use their strength to focus on value generation, for example, in reliability or lean cultures.

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Maintenance Management

Maintenance Cost and Reliability

Which costs are we interested in? Which cost is it that we’re really focused on targeting? That we’re saying as a team here. We’re doing a business case now. Which costs can we drive down through reliability? “All of them.” Agreed. Long term.

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CMMS / Tech Database

Practical Maintenance Strategy Design For Capital Expansions

Whether it is a Greenfield capital expansion project, existing plant expansion or the replacement of existing installed equipment, sooner rather than later, you will need an asset maintenance strategy to support your production uptime targets. The longer you wait, the more expensive it becomes.

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Maintenance Management

Does Your Company Need a Maintenance Culture Intervention?

Let’s face it, most companies need a culture intervention – something like a 12-step program. This article will explore behavioral issues that are often at the core of a culture of neglect and mediocracy. It borrows much from management science, leadership principles and conversations with individuals working in the field of maintenance reliability.

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Maintenance Management

Three Ways to Reduce Maintenance Cost

So, if you’ve had this discussion, which you will have at some point in your career, and if you haven’t heard it a hundred times already, you need to reduce maintenance costs. Have this discussion – how do we do this? What happens in most places is that maintenance cost X this year, last year it  was X minus 5%. Why do we do that? Well, this year we have this big rebuilding of boilers…

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Maintenance Management

Human Capital and the Internet of Things

Technical visionaries often invoke terms like the Internet of Things, smart machines and machine to machine (M2M) to ease our fears about managing the upcoming brain drain that accompanies the graying American industrial workforce. The theory goes that one day, self-learning machines and massively parallel computing may replace the operator. Perhaps, but not in the foreseeable future. That’s because smart machines are very good at keeping us from doing dumb things, like stalling a commercial airliner, or pushing a gas compressor beyond safe tolerances. In the realm of black and white, the value of artificial intelligence is unassailable. But what about the rest of the time?

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Maintenance Management

Definition of Maintenance

The way we see maintenance work being done, you have preventive maintenance which is done is to prevent a failure or to detect a failure early. Continuous improvement, you may have some those, those are the things to be done from redesigns. I can see you doing that in two cases…one is if you have a root cause and you see whatever you have a problem on you have a piece of equipment that is not working right…you may have to redesign it.

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Maintenance Management

Developing Leaders: To Train or Not to Train?

Improving the capabilities of those in a leadership position is viewed as a top initiative in many organizations. More and more companies are moving their focus in management from compliance cop to performance coach, due to the realization that if there isn’t an understood correlation between what performance obtained the results, the outcomes are due more to luck than purposeful effort.

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