
Condition Monitoring

How to Use Condition Monitoring to Optimize Grease Lubrication

There are four primary components to precision grease lubrication for bearings: lubricant selection, application method, the volume of lubricant to be delivered, and the frequency with which it is applied. There are, of course, many different methods for specifying these values, and opinions can vary significantly as to which approach is best. Due to the variability of operating conditions and machine design, it can be very difficult to be truly precise without introducing the “condition-based” component to the formula.

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Condition Monitoring

Integrating Vibration and Wear Debris Analysis for Machine Condition Monitoring

Vibration and wear debris analyses are two key components of any successful condition-monitoring program and can be used as both predictive and proactive tools to identify active machine wear and diagnose faults occurring inside machinery. Integrating these two techniques in a machine condition-monitoring program provides greater and more reliable information, bringing significant cost benefits to industry.

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Is Air a Contaminant?

When we think of contamination in lubricated systems, we often focus on particle and water contamination. The fact of the matter is that there are many other contaminants we should consider and attempt to control. Most contaminants, which include any material not contained in the lubricant’s formulation, can potentially damage the oil and the lubricated components. Although air is always present in lubricating oil, it is often justifiable to adopt measures to minimize its presence.

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Longer Lasting Lubricants for The Aluminum Industry

This project, like so many others, had a humble beginning. About five years ago, after returning from a routine sales call to the smelter where a representative was selling synthetic and specialty greases, he challenged the authors to develop a series of lubricants that he could sell to the aluminum industry. In a discussion with a group of maintenance people at the smelter, he was told that if his company could develop longer lasting lubricants and protect equipment better than the current product, they would buy from him.

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LubeRight: A New Tracking System for Manual Greasing

ASSALUB has introduced a new technology to help track manual greasing. This technology can help improve your lubrication program and ensure the practices you aim to implement are being completed. The LubeRight is a computer aided manual greasing system that offers the following advantages when compared to traditional manual greasing.

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Measure to Improve Bearing Lubrication

Rotating-element bearing manufacturers measure the reliability of their bearings using a Load-Life calculation rating, which is known as the L10 rating life. To achieve its design rating, the manufacturer assumes the bearing will be run in a clean operating environment. This takes into account providing an adequate lubricant film (adequate described as a film equal to, or greater than, the composite roughness of the two mating surfaces) of the correct viscosity for the designed maximum bearing speed and operating temperature ratings.

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Nine Lubrication Systems that Keep Chains Up and Running

Choosing a lubrication system to lubricate the chain can positively impact production as this process can be done while the chain is in motion. By implementing lubrication systems, additional savings can also be realized through improved worker safety and better housekeeping and or procedures.

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Optimizing Lube PMs

A number of common mistakes are made in selecting, scoping and carrying out lubrication PM tasks and intervals. I have outlined four common “wrongs” with respect to lube PM optimization, which can, with some effort and guidance, be turned into four “rights.”

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