Grid Coupling: How Does a Component Fail?

Grid Coupling: How Does a Component Fail?

Torbjörn Idhammar, CEO & President, IDCON INC

The next step that we talked about was really to say, example, how did the component fail…the grid coupling.  This is something that a lot of times, once we start doing this, for a grid coupling, if we set up a PM for this you can probably step straight to what kind of inspections would you do and you guys could tell me in three minutes and they’re probably pretty much right on.  But I’m using something simple because I didn’t know who’s going to be in the class and what kind of technical skills you guys have. But using something simple and showing you the steps of how we break this down.  I think if we say how would you inspect a coupling that’s going on the run or doing what kind inspections do we need to do and shut down.  I think you guys can tell me that.  I’ll show you steps anyways so you can see the thinking process using something fairly simple.

Torbjörn Idhammar

Torbjörn Idhammar is the president and CEO of IDCON INC., a Reliability and Maintenance Management Consulting Firm. Tor’s responsibilities include training IDCON consultants, product development, sales, and marketing. He gives advice to IDCON’s multi-site and international clients to ensure outcomes and deliverables are met.

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