BRM – Balancing of Rotating Machinery

BRM – Balancing of Rotating Machinery

Vibration Institute

BRM covers single and basic two-plane balancing techniques. It includes both field balancing and shop (balancing machine) balancing. Topics such as pre-balance checks, influence coefficients, balance quality and tolerances, residual unbalance testing and case histories are included. It is partial preparation for the Vibration Analyst Category III and IV Certification Exams, and Balancing Specialist Exam. All registered attendees in the Balancing of Rotating Machinery training course will receive:

  • Course Training Manual
  • Printed Copy of Course PowerPoints
  • Workbook with examples, vibration related questions requiring a solution as found in Vibration Institute Guideline No. 1 requirement for qualification and assessment of balancing personnel.
  • Calculator
  • Ruler, Parallel Ruler
  • Balancing Tools
  • Electronic Certificate of Course Completion

The BRM training is a four and one-half day course. It will run Monday through Thursday 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. daily. With the final day, Friday running from 8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Subject to change.

Upcoming Dates and Locations: Click to learn more details and register!

Oak Brook, IL: August 14, 2023

Picture of Natalie Johnson

Natalie Johnson

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