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Safe + Sound Week 2024

Elizabeth Ruiz, Editor, Maintenance World – All Information and Images Courtesy OSHA

Posted 8/7/2024

safe + sound week 2024 OSHA image

Monday, August 12th kicks off this year’s Safe + Sound Week 2024. OSHA’s Safe + Sound is a year-round campaign with the goal to encourage workplaces of all kinds to implement a successful safety and health program. It is a time to take action, reflect on, and recognize efforts your organization has taken to improve safety through the year.

All workplaces need a safety and health program that includes management leadership, worker participation, and a systemic approach to finding and fixing hazards. Focus on ways to be safe and sound at work whether you already have an effective program, or you are getting started with building one. (OSHA.gov)

Safe + Sound Week Activities and Challenges

There are many activities and challenges to take on, including:

Lead with Safety OSHA safe + sound week

Lead With Safety Challenge

Management in your plant, mill, or mine should provide the leadership, vision, and resources necessary to run an effective safety and health program. This challenge is for managers to show how they lead with safety. 

Task: Identify a safety or health issue in your organization and take steps to address it and earn your challenge coin

Click here to take the challenge!

Speak Up for Safety Challenge

Safety reports contain the information you need to improve safety in health in your plant. This activity is a worker participation challenge – review your safety reports with your team. The goal is to learn from each other, uncover opportunities to better your safety and health practices, and earn that challenge coin!

Learn more about this challenge here.

OSHA speak up for safety

OSHA Halt a Hazard

Halt a Hazard Challenge

Some hazards in your plant take time to emerge. It is a must to set aside time to regularly identify and rank safeguards to keep safety and health hazards under control – and keep workers safe. This Find & Fix Hazards challenge will help you identify a hazard you need to control. Download your challenge coin and start finding hazards!

Take the challenge

Register for Safe + Sound Week

Join the 3,907 participants and counting all around the country (and 103 international participants so far!) in showing your commitment to workplace safety and health. This year’s Safe + Sound Week will focus on Job Hazard Analysis (JHA).

If you would like to be recognized as a participant with your name, city, and state, recognized on the Safe + Sound Week map OR you would like for your organization to register as a Safe + Sound Week participant without recognition on the online map, click here for either option to register

If your organization is planning to register more than 6 sites or locations, please contact [email protected] to receive a spreadsheet to use to submit your information. Feel free to use this email for any other registration issues or to edit your information after registering. Check out the event archive to track past participation!

Successful safety and health programs help you to proactively pinpoint and manage different hazards before they get the chance to cause injury or illness to workers. This not only improves sustainability, but also the bottom line. Use this week to focus on starting your safety program, improving an existing program, or get recognized for your successful safety and health program.

Looking for a midweek break? Keep up with the latest news brought to you every Wednesday by the Maintenance World crew.

Picture of Brawley


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