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Search Results for: cooling water systems

6 Easy Steps to Maintain Your Hydraulic Equipment

“What’s the system’s normal operating temperature? What’s the system’s usual operating pressure range?” If you can’t answer these two basic questions about the vital signs of your hydraulic equipment I strongly recommend you make the effort to get to know your hydraulic equipment better. The information is easy to collect and can give valuable insight to the health of your hydraulic equipment.

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Using Corrective Maintenance Work Plans to Improve Plant Reliability

There is another, often overlooked, type of preventive maintenance inspection which can not be scheduled at regular intervals. These inspections can and should be done in conjunction with corrective maintenance. Corrective maintenance is defined as maintenance work which involves the repair or replacement of components which have failed or broken down.

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Classifying Chemicals to Assure Effective Sealing

The most common question asked by seal salesmen is “what are you sealing?” This is usually followed by asking about shaft size, product, temperature, speed, stuffing box pressure and any other operating conditions they can think of. The problem with this simplistic approach is that you would have to have a very large data bank of information to reference a particular problem so as to be able to make a sensible seal recommendation. There is a much more logical approach to the problem that we will be discussing in the following paragraphs.

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Engineered Building Maintenance

A team of technical experts will make a thorough review of the building and its operating history. Led by a professional engineer or architect, they will review the original construction plans and specifications, if they are available. Then they will develop a specific reoccurring maintenance program, as well as a cost estimate, for each of the building’s systems and load it on their computers.

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